

ColumnInfo stores all the information required to describe a variable. For example, variable_name, variable_type etc. In most cases, the ColumnInfo will be generated by PreprocessRunner, but you can inherit it to store more information based on your project.

ColumnInfo (colname)

      Return a blank ColumnInfo object with given column name.

is_numeric ()

      Return True if current variable is a numeric variable. False otherwise.

is_character ()

      Return True if current variable is a String variable. False otherwise.

is_valid_nature (val)

      Static method, return ture if the input val is a supported nature type.

is_valid_numchar (val)

      Static method, return ture if the input val is ‘numeric’ or ‘character’ variable type.

get_numeric_attribute_name ()

      Return a list of the name of attribute that has numeric value.

is_numeric_attribute (ye_attr_name)

      Return True if the input ye_attr_name is a numeric attribute.

get_editable_column_labelsn ()

      Static method, return the labels associated with the editable attributes.

get_variable_label_lookup ()

      Static method, return a lookup consisting of {“variable name”: “label name”}, Exclude variables starting with “default” as in “defaultTime”

print_values ()

      Print all the information stored in this object to the screen.

as_dict (as_string=False)

      Return all the information stored in this object either in string or in JSON format.