
API Documentation

This document describes the detailed information of the API we provided. Back to Home Page for JSON schema information.


Below is the workflow graph of the analysis process. We will introduce the component one by one. In this page, only the basic usage of each component will be presented, please refer to corresponding linked page for advanced usage.

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PreprocessRunner is the most fundamental component in our server. It handles the input data frame, stores the task configuration and executes the actual variable analysis function. There are two ways to initialize a PreprocessRunner, one is by calling the static function load_from_file():

    from preprocess_runner import PreprocessRunner
    from msg_util import msg, msgt
    runner, err_msg = PreprocessRunner.load_from_file(in_file, out_file)
    # in_file & out_file is the path of corresponding file
    # out_file is None by default
    if err_msg:


Other one is more straightforward:

    from preprocess_runner import PreprocessRunner
    import pandas as pd
    runner = PreprocessRunner(dataframe)
    # dataframe is a Pandas.Dataframe, you can create such entity by yourself.

Please refer to PreprocessRunner for advanced usage.


ColumnInfo stores all the information required to describe a variable. For example, variable_name, variable_type etc. You can instantiate a ColumnInfo via following code. However, in most cases, the ColumnInfo will be generated by PreprocessRunner

    from column_info import ColumnInfo
    new_column = ColumnInfo(colname)
    # colname is just a string represents the name of the variable

Please refer to ColumnInfo for advanced usage.


TypeGuessUtil is the first Utility object we used during profiling process. It has several useful function to help you check the data type of current variable. Below is the code to instantiate a TypeGuessUtil object and use it to check the type of input column.

    from type_guess_util import TypeGuessUtil
    from column_info import ColumnInfo
    import pandas as pd
    col_info = ColumnInfo(colname)
    col_series = dataframe[colname]
    # 'dataframe' is the input Pandas.Dataframe and 'colname' is an available column name.

    new_util = TypeGuessUtil(col_series, col_info)
    # All the information about data type will be stored in this 'new_util'

Please refer to TypeGuessUtil for advanced usage.


SummaryStatsUtil does the calculation for the statistic variables in the ColumnInfo class. It takes a Pandas.Series and a ColumnInfo as input, fill all the attributes via several built-in functions. Below is an example to use it.

    from summary_stats_util import SummaryStatsUtil
    from type_guess_util import TypeGuessUtil
    from column_info import ColumnInfo
    import pandas as pd
    col_info = ColumnInfo(colname)
    col_series = datafram[colname]
    # 'dataframe' is the input Pandas.Dataframe and 'colname' is an available column name.
    type_util = TypeGuessUtil(col_series, col_info)
    stat_util = SummaryStatsUtil(col_series, col_info)
    # Use TypeGuessUtil first, stat_util need some information provided by that step.

Please refer to SummaryStatsUtil for advanced usage.


PlotValueUtil does the calculation for the plot-specific variable in the ColumnInfo class. It follows the same pattern as SummaryStatsUtil, taking a Pandas.Series and a ColumnInfo as input, fill all the attributes via several built-in functions. Below is an example to use it.

    from summary_stats_util import SummaryStatsUtil
    from type_guess_util import TypeGuessUtil
    from plot_values import PlotValueUtil
    from column_info import ColumnInfo
    import pandas as pd
    col_info = ColumnInfo(colname)
    col_series = datafram[colname]
    # 'dataframe' is the input Pandas.Dataframe and 'colname' is an available column name.
    type_util = TypeGuessUtil(col_series, col_info)
    stat_util = SummaryStatsUtil(col_series, col_info)
    plot_util = PlotValueUtil(col_series, col_info)
    # Use TypeGuessUtil and SummaryStatsUtil first, plot_util need some information provided by those steps.

Please refer to PlotValueUtil for advanced usage.

Additional Util

There also exists several additional classes that help above classes working correctly. But they should not be directly used by your program, pleas refer to the code page if you want the low-level details.